Bookstore Manager Frequently Asked Questions

(Q1) I had trouble sending my order the first time.  I resent it and I’m viewing the response I just got back from a purchase order and it says

     “There was a problem with your purchase order!
  A duplicate Purchase Order Number 12345 was detected in our system.
  Try sending a 'Confirmation Only' if you need an acknowledgement for this PO.
Questions? Call Customer Service at 1(800)444-4484 during normal business hours.”

  What does this mean and what do I do about it?

A1)  This means that your first purchase order was entered into our system but was cut off before it could send the entire acknowledgement.  The second purchase order was detected as a duplicate and was not entered into our system a second time.  In order to get your acknowledgement from your first order, follow the following steps in Bookstore Manager:

1)       From the Main Menu, press ‘Communications’
2)       Press ‘Generic Electronic Ordering’
3)       Select ‘Request Previous Acknowledgement’
4)       Select ‘X12 CF Confirmation from X12 NE New Order’
5)       Click your Anchor Distributors vendor button


(Q2) I just placed a purchase order, which was accepted.  I received an acknowledgement but now when I’m viewing it, it says

 “We apologize, but our system is currently down for maintenance.
Please try sending your order later.
Your Purchase Order 12345 has not been entered into our system.”

What does this mean and what do I do about it?

A1)  This is an extremely rare message to receive, but it basically means that we are currently performing some required maintenance on our system and are unable to receive electronic orders at this time.  You should never see this during our regular business hours.